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When planning to build or remodel in Old Agoura, consider

the existing visual ambiance to mitigate inappropriate and unwelcome changes to the appearance and feel of the neighborhood.


As a rural equestrian community, we wish to retain our traditional atmosphere while allowing for eclectic architectural diversity.

Our intention is not to dictate architectural design. We encourage neighborhood continuity


Building or Remodeling in Old Agoura

Our Basic Philosophy:




When considering the design of a project, remember:

  • Simple is better than complicated

  • Plain is better than ornate

  • Subtle is better than ostentatious

  • Muted is better than garish


Oak Tree Preservation

Oak trees are an integral part of the character of Old Agoura. These trees are a community asset by providing environmental benefits such as cooler summer temperatures, pollution filtration, sustaining wildlife habitat, and preventing soil erosion. You may be required to apply for a permit from the City of Agoura Hills if you are considering:


  • Trimming the tree

  • Undertaking construction nearby an oak tree (incl. pools, patios, landscaping and hardscaping)

The Architectural Planning & Zoning Committee is a sub-committee comprised of board members from the Old Agoura Homeowners' Board.

  • The committee looks forward to meeting with you at the beginning design stages to answer any questions.

  • They review any current building plans or designs you may have already and can be more helpful if you meet with them prior to submittal to the local planning and building authorities.

  • The Planning & Zoning Committee is a good source of information and can help with tips on the City’s Planning approval process. They have professional backgrounds in the construction and design industries.

For plan review and appointments, email:


For more information, please visit:

You May Have noticed that our lovely Old Agoura neighborhood seems rather dark. In keeping with the rural ambiance, we do not have streetlights.


Exterior lighting should only be used when necessary and should not be excessive. We want to enable our raptors to hunt in darkness, their natural environment. The Old Agoura Homeowners' board is dedicated to preserving the ambiance and visual tranquility of the neighborhood. We recommend choosing colors and materials that blend into the landscape.

Agoura Hills: The Gateway To The Santa Monica Mountain Range!

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